Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Fray...

Well, if I haven't already told you, I'm going to see The Fray June 7th in Cleveland with Hilary. I'm really excited for two reasons. One, I'm going to see the freaking Fray. They are one of my all-time favorite bands right now and hopefully they'll continue to be. The second reason is because I'm finally going to spend some time with Hilary. I known her for about 3 or 4 months now but I haven't actually gotten a chance to hangout with her because she went to Ball State, so I'm really excited. She has a big heart and is such a lover of God. She's going to be a great friend. Anywho, I can't wait.

I finally get paid tomorrow. I can't wait. I'm going to get an oil change for the Jeep and maybe by a cd or pair of shoes or maybe both. This summer though I have to really watch my money. Well that's all for now. Hope your evening is blessed.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


This past Sunday I went to a Pathway Church. I've been wanting to go to a new church for awhile now. I'm really disappointed in how things are headed at my home church so I thought I'd take a break and see what else is out there. At the end of the service, Pathway's worship band played an amazing song title "Rescue" by Desperation. I went and downloaded some more of their songs and let me tell you, they are really really good. I highly recommend them to anybody looking for some new worship music. Anywho, check them out...

Sunday, May 28, 2006


You are the source of the life
I can't be left behind
No one else will do
I will take hold of you

I need You Jesus
To come to my rescue
Where else can I go
There's no other name by
Which I am saved
Capture me with grace
I will follow you

This world has nothing for me
I will follow You
This world has nothing for me
I will follow You

Saturday, May 27, 2006


2 more...

X-Men 3

Well, went and saw the new X-Men movie last night and I give it about a 7/10. It was entertaining but nowhere what it could've been if they had the original director. That's ok though because he left to do Superman and that will be the best movie of the summer hands down. I just wanted to make this clear that way I have proof that I didn't jump on the bandwagon. Anyway, that's all for now. Later homies.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Mike Lentz, I love you like you are my own brother. I don't not understand why you continually do the things you are doing when you know in your heart that they are not the things that will help you get to where it is God wants you, where you yourself want to go. You keep searching for validation through people, parties, drinking, your brothers, your dad and you never find it yet you keep going to the same places. God and your realationship with him, is the ONLY way you are ever going to feel important or feel that you belong and have purpose. I have only learned this in the past couple of months myself.

You and I both know that in your heart you know what to do but I think you're scared and I understand my brother in Christ, I totally understand. I am scared about my life too. I know at times it seems like I have all the answers but I don't. I wish I did man. I really wish I did. I want to get to know you again my dear friend. I want to know you personally, emotionally, and most of spiritually. You have mountains of potential buddy and I want to help you reach that. You may think I don't need you but I do man. God has brought us together and He has made it evident to me that we will be life-long friends.

Mike you encourage me just as much as I do you when we talk. When we get done talking I have such a fire for God man and you help bring that out in me. You are an amazing person who I believe is living out about 20% of his heart. You're heart is enormous and it has nowhere to go but up. Man I want to be your best friend again. I miss you. Call me when you're ready. I need you just as much as you need me. I love you man.

Love you,

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I just keep finding them...

I have found 3 more must haves for the summer. For those of you that know me, I've liked The Fray for a long time now but I totally forgot to put up their cd so there, it's up and both of David Guetta's albums are up too. Check'em out...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Break This...

Man, I've been really down lately and I can't quite put my finger on why. What's worse is that I haven't opened my Bible in like 2 weeks. I haven't gone to church in 3 weeks. What is my deal? I don't have a ton of motivation to really do much at all.

How do I break this? I think I just need to get out of here. I need to leave this state and get my mind off things (her). When will my heart stop aching? This sucks.

Alone in a room
It's just me and you
I feel so lost
'Cause I don't know what to do
Now what if choose the wrong thing to do
I'm so afraid, afraid of disappointing you

So I need to talk to you
And ask you for your guidance
Especially today
When my life is so cloudy
Guide me until I'm sure
I open up my heart

My hopes and dreams
Are fading fast
I'm all burned out
And I don't think my strenghts gonna last
So I'm crying out
Crying out to you
Lord I know that you're the only one
Who is able to pull me through

So I need to talk to you
And ask you for your guidance
Especially today
When my life is so cloudy
Guide me until I'm sure
I open up my heart

So show me how
To do things your way
Don't let me make the same mistakes
Over and over again
Your will be done
And I'll be the one
To make sure the it's carried out
And in me, I don't want any doubt
That's why...

I need to talk to you
And ask you for your guidance
Especially today
When my life is a little bit cloudy
Guide me until I'm sure
I open up my heart

All I need to do
Is hear a single word from you
I open up my heart
Just one word could make
A difference in what I do Lord
I open my heart to you

You're the lover of my soul
Captain of my sea
I need a word from you
That's why I open up my heart

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I went and did it again...

Here is another must have for the summer...

Friday, May 19, 2006


Ha, I thought my summer selections were over with but I guess not. Here is another must have for the summer...

Goo Goo Dolls - Let Love In

God Bless

Monday, May 15, 2006

One More Summer Selection...

Racoon - Another Day

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day...

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there and especially to my own. Even though I know you'll never read this, Mom, I love you very dearly. You do so much for me and I wouldn't be the person I am today had it not been for you. You have a 2 Timothy 1:7 heart and I continue to learn from you everyday. Love you Mom.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Donald Miller...

Donald Miller is an amazing author. He is far and away my favorite author. I highly suggest you go out and buy any of his books and he will make you think so much more deeply about life, yourself, God and your relationships. That's all for you. Keep on praising.


Well tonight was the first night of my bible study with all my close friends. It was awesome. I'm really looking forward to growing closer to Christ and to my friends as well. This couldn't have come at a better time for me.

I hate the way I'm feeling but somehow I'm finding joy in it because I have learned SO many news things about myself and what to do in my next relationship. It's exciting, but I pray that I don't rush into anything until I am fully healed and ready to give my full attention to whoever it my be. Lord I pray that I stay patient and know that there is somebody out there for me and she will love me for me and not keep tallies on my faults and count them against me. It's amazing to know that I will one day love somebody more than I love Ashley and I cannot wait for that day to come. Lord I will continue to live with my eyes on you and I will continue to be patient and I will continue to lead and live my life for you. Mend my heart Lord. Make it strong once more. Make it a 2 Timothy 1:7 heart once again. In your Heavenly name, Amen.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Well I'm finally outta here! All I have left to move out of my room here at DC is my computer and my bed stuff. I'm so glad that I don't have to come back here although I will miss a handful of people. Dustin, Stacy, Lauren, Zach, Joe, AJ, and a couple of others here and there. If I forgot you don't take it personal, I'm just ready to be gone. Thanks a bunch to all of you who made this year bearable. Good luck in all you try to achieve and continue to walk with Christ. There is no limit in Christ. Take care and God bless. Love you. Tyler

Monday, May 01, 2006

My Must Have Albums of the Summer...

There are 4 albums that I must get within a month to make this summer amazing music wise. Those albums are:

1. Tiesto - In Search of Sunrise 5: Los Angeles

2. Armin van Buuren - A State of Trance 2006

3. Leama & Moor - Common Ground

4. George Acosta - All Rights Reserved

These 4 albums are going to be amzaing and I can't wait to listen to them as I drive with my windows down and my system up.

This Paper is crazy...

I'm doing a paper over Scientology and let me tell you, it is probably one of the most retarded things ever. I still don't fully understand what it is exactly they do. Weirdos.

Jeep is mine and school is pretty much over...

Like it says above, I sold my two cars and now the Jeep is mine. It's really nice and I feel really blessed to be able to have it. I'm so ready for school to out. I can't wait for summer. The thing I'm not looking forward to and at the same time I am is Ashley and I are going to meet at some point and talk. I'm not really sure how I feel about everything and I don't have a clue what is going on in her life because she has completely shut me out of it which really hurts.
I don't know what she's looking for when we will get together or what the point of it will be so I'm kind of nervous because I don't have a clue what to expect. I'm hoping God will continue to carry this burden for me. Without His help and guidance I don't know where I'd be at this point. All I can say about Ashley at this moment is that I still love her very much. Other than that, I don't know. I'm just going to continue to keep my eyes on Christ and put the situtation with Him and I know whatever outcome, it will be for the best. Well now I have to get back to writing this paper which is my absolute last thing for this school year. Later and God bless.