Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Mike Lentz, I love you like you are my own brother. I don't not understand why you continually do the things you are doing when you know in your heart that they are not the things that will help you get to where it is God wants you, where you yourself want to go. You keep searching for validation through people, parties, drinking, your brothers, your dad and you never find it yet you keep going to the same places. God and your realationship with him, is the ONLY way you are ever going to feel important or feel that you belong and have purpose. I have only learned this in the past couple of months myself.

You and I both know that in your heart you know what to do but I think you're scared and I understand my brother in Christ, I totally understand. I am scared about my life too. I know at times it seems like I have all the answers but I don't. I wish I did man. I really wish I did. I want to get to know you again my dear friend. I want to know you personally, emotionally, and most of spiritually. You have mountains of potential buddy and I want to help you reach that. You may think I don't need you but I do man. God has brought us together and He has made it evident to me that we will be life-long friends.

Mike you encourage me just as much as I do you when we talk. When we get done talking I have such a fire for God man and you help bring that out in me. You are an amazing person who I believe is living out about 20% of his heart. You're heart is enormous and it has nowhere to go but up. Man I want to be your best friend again. I miss you. Call me when you're ready. I need you just as much as you need me. I love you man.

Love you,


Blogger lentz24 said...

so i dont know if you check this or do anything with this bloging thing anymore but i was flippin through reading your blogs and came a cross a particular one that caught my attention.
you know how sometimes in your life you feel like there is something that you need to do or accomplish for yourself, by yourself, for yourself. after reading this blog about me i have come to realize along with events and sorrows that i have brought on myself. i have realized alot in my life and about myself.
1. we do need eachother; i havent put my finger on it quite yet but i know that there is a reason that god has put us together to live and learn from one another.
2. i have learned alot on my own about myself. may not always live for god or do things for god. put god first. that is my sin (or at least one of them).
3. I am truely sorry for not being there for you. i know now what it is like to be in your position. to put so much into one person expecting great things and wanting so much from the other person and then being let down.
i now know that i have not only let myself down twice now since the incident two years ago at defiance. but also the people that truely care about me. pushed them to the side and hurt them in a way that can not be forgiven.
so if you ever get this which in case you over look this the date is 4-08-07 about 11:25 PM. i have a lot to share but nothing of what i am sure you want to hear about. i have not been by anymeans the same person i was at taylor, i have left behind and forgotten everything that i learned there. blew off my own personal relationship for god b/c of my addictions. maybe someday you will forgive me but i am not expecting this to come anytime soon or at all. but i have not forgotten about you and the great person that you are. god has truely blessed you tyler, continue to be your loving, caring, smart assed self. that is what makes you unique. I love you man. sincerly, Lentz...

11:33 PM  

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