Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Rough day...

Today has been a rough day. One of those days where things just don't go your way and it sticks with you all day. What sucks even more was that it carried-over to basketball practice as well, so that was a bummer. I called Ashley (my girlfriend) after practice and told her my day sucked. I got in the shower and went to the volleyball game with my roommate. I was sitting there and my phone went off and it was Ash. I was really surprised because I told her I'd call her later. I was like, "Um, hi. What's up?"
She said, "I'm here. Where are you?"
So I got up from my seat and ran outside and gave her a massive huge. So today was a crappy day but my night has been perfect. She is so awesome. Well, not too much else happening here so I'll catch you guys later. Peace.


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