Another day down here at DC. The more I go to my classes the more I realize I really don't like some of them. I like some of the subjects but I can't stand the professors (don't worry Prof Todd I actually like your class). Like Global Civ II, that is the most boring class I have ever been in, in my entire life. I know people use that phrase a lot but I'm not kidding. I actually like history but Prof Soper is so monotone and boring. After about 10 minutes in that class I want to throw my shoe at him just to see what he'd do. I imagine he'd just look at me for about five seconds and then continue putting the rest of the class into a coma with his lecture. Seriously, I'd rather get a tooth filled than sit in his class.
Me (in the green) vs. Prof Sober (white)
Other than that, things are good. I do know that I need to get more sleep. Come about 2 in the afternoon, I'm really tired. Well kiddos, I've got some work to do (which really means sitting on my butt surfing the web until basketball later tonight) so I better get going. Later Dudes.

Me (in the green) vs. Prof Sober (white)
Other than that, things are good. I do know that I need to get more sleep. Come about 2 in the afternoon, I'm really tired. Well kiddos, I've got some work to do (which really means sitting on my butt surfing the web until basketball later tonight) so I better get going. Later Dudes.
This is great stuff. Very funny. And you've already created a pretty well-rounded persona.
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