Monday, October 17, 2005


Since I've heard about this essay we have to write, I've really been struggling with an idea to write about. The weird thing is that I never have a hard time writing about something. I thought about just bull-crapping my way through the rough draft honestly but when I sat down to type nothing came out. So I sat and thought and thought and thought. Nothing that I could think of inspired me to write. This past weekend I found two movies that really made me think but I still haven't gathered all my thoughts on them or what they are presenting to put it down in words. Sorry Prof Todd, I just need more time to think. By the way, the two movies were Life as a House and Crash. Life as a House made me think about my relationship with my Father and Crash made me think about my relationships with others and how my actions effect other people as well.
Both movies were very inspiring and challenged they way you live and perceive things. So, what I'm hinting at, is that I will eventually (within the next day or so) write my essay.


Blogger Spider Girl said...

Or maybe you could write about what it's like to have an internet blog...a place where your thoughts are written out for anyone to see.

Makes it a small world and all that.

12:31 AM  

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