Saturday, July 08, 2006

Been Some Time...

What's up, I know its been some time since my last update (Dustin). All is pretty well here. Work is getting to be more and more fun each day. I love the kids more with each passing day as well. I especially have a deep place in my heart for a family of 4 kids from Africa. The Razi family. The more I spend time with them and get to know them the more I see how beautiful they are. I believe within a year and a half I will go to Africa for one reason or another.

I would love to spend time with the people there. The have such beautiful hearts that I would love to get to know and hopefully relate to and especially learn from. I need to get out of Indiana and experience people and their hearts. I need to hear from different perspectives and learn as much as I can. My heart is growing for people. God has and continues to surprise and humble me. Just when I think I know something, He makes me realize just how far I have to go.

It's a wonderful feeling to just want to love people. To love them unconditionally. No matter if they swear, smoke, do sexual things, are rude, poor, dirty, have no morals, if they are downright gross, anti-God, or anti-me. I still look for a way to love them because Christ does. I love them because they exist and they have every right to the same love that Christ shows me. They too have dreams, fears, aspirations, hopes, wishes, needs and wants. Who am I to strip them of their soul, their right to belong, their most inner being, their heart's deepest desires of acceptance and love? God, continue to humble me and make me a servant of all people.


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