Thursday, September 29, 2005


Does anybody honestly know how to play this game? I don't know if I know one person who does. Backgammon is always that "other side" to those 3-in-1 board game things you can buy. There's Checkers, Chess, and Backgammon but nobody ever plays it nor do they care to learn how. When I grow old, I'm going to learn how to play Backgammon.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I'm Back...

Well I'm finally back doing my Blog. What's up Prof Todd! I gave you a shout out because I know you're probably the only one reading this. Well, today was another rough day with Prof Sober. Even with his head totally punched off, he still managed to find a way to put the entire class into cardiac arrest.
This past weekend was kind of rough. My step-brother Donovan past away in a motorcycle accident on Thursday. He was 34 and had two kids. My Dad and step-mom Carol flew down to Atlanta for the funeral and all the other stuff that comes with that. I didn't get to see them before they left. They got back to Indiana on Friday but my Dad said he didn't think it was a good idea to come over for a couple of days yet. So I waited until Sunday rolled around before my girlfriend and I headed over there. When we finally got there, I gave her a big hug and told her I loved her and how sorry I was for all of this. Even though I'm not her real son she has never treated me any different. She's an amazing woman and I love her very much.
With all this stuff happening in the past week it got me thinking about how much I take for granted and don't think twice about. I've realized I'm extremely lucky and loved by many people and I should tell them I love them back every chance I get. Life is short and hard and love seems to be the thing that makes it so tolerable. Well that's all for now. Have a good rest of the week. Later Dudes.

Donovan Hightower 1971-2005

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Ok well it's not really Friday yet but I'm going to write about it anyway. Tomorrow is going to be a rough day. First off I have to get up at 5:50 tomorrow morning for our team's bball workout. What sucks about that is that our workout lasts for about an hour and a half. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings we lift for half and run for half but on Fridays we run the entire time. So in other words, tomorrow morning is going to suck. I'll get back to the dorm at about ten tile 8. My first class is at 9 so there's not much time to relax before my favorite class; Global Civ II with everybody's favorite professor; professor Sober! Yay! If I survive that class which is about a 30% chance, it's pretty much smooth sailing from there. I'll be done at about 2:50 and on my way home to see the super cool rockin family (upper right). Maybe we'll go see a rockin Poison concert. Well that's all for know. Have a good weekend everyone. Later Dudes.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Another day down here at DC. The more I go to my classes the more I realize I really don't like some of them. I like some of the subjects but I can't stand the professors (don't worry Prof Todd I actually like your class). Like Global Civ II, that is the most boring class I have ever been in, in my entire life. I know people use that phrase a lot but I'm not kidding. I actually like history but Prof Soper is so monotone and boring. After about 10 minutes in that class I want to throw my shoe at him just to see what he'd do. I imagine he'd just look at me for about five seconds and then continue putting the rest of the class into a coma with his lecture. Seriously, I'd rather get a tooth filled than sit in his class.

Me (in the green) vs. Prof Sober (white)

Other than that, things are good. I do know that I need to get more sleep. Come about 2 in the afternoon, I'm really tired. Well kiddos, I've got some work to do (which really means sitting on my butt surfing the web until basketball later tonight) so I better get going. Later Dudes.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Talk about being at the right place at the right time.

What's Going On? Posted by Picasa


Well I'm not really sure if we're supposed to writing about anything specific so I'll just put what I want. This past weekend was a load of fun. I spent the weekend with my girlfriend Ashley. We went and saw the movie The Constant Gardener. Without saying much about how I feel about the movie, let's just say that she fell asleep and we decided to leave early. The movie never really picks up. After that we went to my favorite place to eat; Taco Bell. What a marvelous place it is. Oh ya, I inserted a picture of Ashley so you have a visual image in your head (she's the one on the right). Labor Day; Ashley and I went to my family's cookout and ate there for awhile. We also played tennis later that day. When we got done with that, I randomly decided to go visit my good friend Mike. That was good because I haven't seen him for awhile. When I finally got home Ashley helped me pack a few more things and I headed back for school. Not a very exciting weekend but a satisfying one.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Super Cool?

How do you like my super cool blog?