Well I'm finally back doing my Blog. What's up Prof Todd! I gave you a shout out because I know you're probably the only one reading this. Well, today was another rough day with Prof Sober. Even with his head totally punched off, he still managed to find a way to put the entire class into cardiac arrest.
This past weekend was kind of rough. My step-brother Donovan past away in a motorcycle accident on Thursday. He was 34 and had two kids. My Dad and step-mom Carol flew down to Atlanta for the funeral and all the other stuff that comes with that. I didn't get to see them before they left. They got back to Indiana on Friday but my Dad said he didn't think it was a good idea to come over for a couple of days yet. So I waited until Sunday rolled around before my girlfriend and I headed over there. When we finally got there, I gave her a big hug and told her I loved her and how sorry I was for all of this. Even though I'm not her real son she has never treated me any different. She's an amazing woman and I love her very much.
With all this stuff happening in the past week it got me thinking about how much I take for granted and don't think twice about. I've realized I'm extremely lucky and loved by many people and I should tell them I love them back every chance I get. Life is short and hard and love seems to be the thing that makes it so tolerable. Well that's all for now. Have a good rest of the week. Later Dudes.
Donovan Hightower 1971-2005