Wednesday, June 21, 2006


The Fray didn't quite work out the way I had hoped...we didn't leave on time and Hilary was going fast to try to make up time and out of nowhere came a pretty sharp curve and we were going about 70 so obviously, we didn't make it. We went right into a fence. Both of us were totally fine and nothing major happened to the car. The fence was one of those barbed wire fences and it scratched the crap out of her car but besides that, it's all good but....we didn't make it to the Fray because it had been raining and the car got stuck in the mud so we had to call a tow truck and all that good stuff.

Pretty disappointed but in the big picture, it's ok. I'll see them someday. Nothing too new is happening for me. Just working, playing ball and lifting. It feels good to lift again. Especially since I'm starting to see some results so that keeps me motivated. On top of that, Mr. Mike Yoder is trying to hook me up with a friend of his. She's extremely pretty but I'm not really sure how to approach it and or if I'm even ready. I'm got to think about it some more. Well, that's all for now. Time for me to take a shower and get some food. Goodnight and God bless.

2 Timothy 1:7

Saturday, June 03, 2006


I went out and bought Tiesto's In Search of Sunrise 5 and it's amazing. Some songs are fillers but for the most part, I love it. So now I can take that album off the list. But I have found 4 more that I hope to eventually get down the road and they are...

Well that's all for now, off to the lake for the weekend. Have a wonderful weekend. God bless.