Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Good news...

I put my two cars up for sale this past weekend and I've already gotten around 4 or so calls for them so that's exciting. The sooner I can get those sold the sooner I can start driving my jeep. Here's a picture of it...unitl next time; Love God, Love People, and don't mess with the rest.


Sunday, April 16, 2006

God, what am I to do?

I lay myself out for her again and again. What am I to do O Lord? How am I to handle this? I don't know how to feel. Do I explode and chew her out? Do I move on and forget her? Do I sit and continue to wait? Lord, what do you want me to do?

Lord, my God, set my heart on fire! Make me come alive. I feel like my soul is dying with each passing day and I'm wondering when I'm going to feel alive instead of just living. I feel like my life is just fading away and nothing is becoming of it and I wonder if anybody else feels this way...like ppl who seem so happy and content...what are they living for? what sets their souls on fire? do they even know or are they too shallow to even search more than what's on the surface? what makes me feel alive? where is it? will i find it? Will you show me Lord?

I want you to set my soul on fire and take me to new heights I've never known but I cannot do it on my own Lord. Lord, I need you. I need you now more than ever. I lost Ashley. I lost the love of my life and my best friend on this earth. Lord, she is gone and I am looking to you wondering what is your purpose in all of this. What is your purpose in all this hurt, anger, frustration, and confustion? Show me Lord. What do you want from me? How can I serve you God? I want my soul to be free!

Lord I want to do your work for the rest of my life but I can no longer walk on my own. I am emotionally drained. I have nothing left to offer. I need you to hold me Lord. I need you to carry me. My Heavenly Father, show me how to live and become what it is I am supposed to become. I know in my heart that I am destined for more than ordinary. Show me God! What is it that you will have me do? God make me come alive! I want to live! That, is my prayer. Amen.

Reason - Shawn McDonald

as i look into this old mirror
i see my reflection staring back at me
and who is this man i see before me
and why am i so afraid of what i see

please give me reason to live
please give me reason to breathe

a dead man walking, a dead man talking i am
full of imperfection, full of sin
how did i become like, like this
maybe, just maybe it always has been

please give me reason to live
please give me reason to breathe
please give me reason to live
please give me reason breathe

please give me reason to live
please give me reason to breathe
please give me reason to live
please give me reason to breathe

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What does this girl want from me?!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


2-P-1-8! Are you a 2-P-1-8? Don't know what that is? Ask me. I'm striving to be a 2-P-1-8. Join me.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

My fingers are freezing!